Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Joan Wilder Art: Paul Gutowski

Paul Gutowski's was actually the first drawing I did.
I'm jealous of his beard.
I was trying out some different kind of inking, and I completely ruined my drawing (I really Vince Colletta'ed it, AMIRITE?? Seriously, though look at this panel of Kirby's pencils vs Colletta's inks. YOU RUINED A JACK KIRBY DRAWING, VINCE! Or search his name here. I'm sure everyone cares, right?)

Anyway, Sean relayed to me that Paul wanted to be a Sea Captain. Sean explicitly said "A Captain Haddock type"
I assume his last name "Haddock" is mere coincidence.
THEN Sean emails me back, and says "actually, more a Cousteau/Steve Zissou-type." It's fine either way, though if we stuck with Capt. Haddock, he'd have probably looked more like the Captain (as in "and Tennille.") As it turns out, I don't really care for The Life Aquatic, so I said "no" to that, and stuck to Jacques Cousteau. Unfortunately, Wes Anderson used Cousteau as his model for Steve Zissou, so everyone is going to assume I used Zissou because everyone is uncultured (thankfully, no one is reading this.)

I used the Jolly Underwater Frenchman (it was his nickname, look it up) as a model. I could also use him as a model for why people need orthodontics...

We're running a deal on Invisalign in my Manhattan office, Jacques...

...if only you weren't dead.
So then I needed a background. The sea seemed like a good idea. I picked a random seascape that I thought was pretty, and Bob's your uncle.

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