Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Care Bears, emphasis on Bear.

A brand new episode of Saturday Morning Deathgrip means art. I think I say that everytime.

In honor of Thanksgiving, we watched a Thanksgiving episode of Care Bears. It was shockingly bad. I don't remember that show being that bad, but then again, I also don't remember watching it that much. 

Denver the Last Dinosaur proved to be a popular picture. And it was tough to come up with a theme for this show. So I recyled the concept of just a realistic version of the characters, and voila. That's Cheer Bear, who I think is some kind of happy bear, but I'm sure they all are. 

We did have the Care Bear's Christams record, but I'll be plum buggered if I remember what that was about. Other than Christmas. I'll also be plum buggered if I have any idea where the phrase "plum buggered" came from in my vocabulary.  

Anywho, give that episode of the podcast a listen, won't you?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jem and the Holograms rooftop concert

New episode of Saturday Morning Deathgrip is up, and we watched "Jem and the Holograms".

For the art, I had some trouble, because I'd never seen this show before. But I do know that late in 1989, Jem and the Holograms had drifted apart creatively. Their computer generated images were becoming like weights around their collective neck. The strain had let to schisms between the girls. Not helping matters was the wane of synth-pop as a marketable music form. Since their instruments were all geared toward synth-pop, what could they do. Over the course of the year, the girls put aside their differences, and managed to assemble one last album, and, memorably, that winter, they climbed to the roof of the studio and performed their last concert. A truly, truly outrageous concert.

Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.