Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bots Master

New episode of "Saturday Morning Deathgrip" out today. We watched the pilot episode of the 1993 show Bots Master. I had never heard of it, and I still wish I hadn't. It is a collection of noise and flashing colors and nothing all that enjoyable.

This was the hardest episode thus far to come up with some kind art for. My original idea, based on the general experience of watching the show, was to do a picture of a bottle of Adderall. But instead I decide to celebrate a show that even I, someone who's very knowledgable with pop culture in general and cartoons in general, had never heard of by mashing it up with the original poster for a 75 year old silent movie- Fritz Lang's Metropolis. The original poster is an art deco masterpiece. I love art deco- architecture, graphic design, and typography.

So this was a slam dunk, once I had the idea.

A slam dunk that basically two people will appreciate. That'll help grow the podcast...

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Do yo have the pilot episode ? I love BOTS MASTER since i was a child, and There are not many things on the web from this serie.

    Greetings from Perú.
